Application Software

index > 2.1.1 Fundamentals of computer systems

Software types:

Off the Shelf software:

This is a type of software that can be directly purchased from a store or retailer and can be quickly and easily installed. Examples include: Word processing software like Microsoft Office Word and Antivirus like Norton Antivirus.



Custom written/Bespoke software:

This is a type of software that is specifically made to meet the requirements of a specific client. It is often created if there are no "off-the-shelf" alternatives or in order to suit a business’ software requirements.



Open Source software:

Software where the source code is available for editing and has been placed in the public domain for anyone to use. Examples include: Linux, Firefox and LibreOffice.



Proprietary software:

This is a type of software where the source code isn't available to the public and requires a license or contract to use. Examples include: Adobe Photoshop, Google Chrome and Microsoft Office Word.

